For Network Marketers Who Want to Leverage Social Media to Build a Huge Team Fast! 

Get Coaching From Two Top Earners Who Will Help You Explode Your Leads, Attract Your Perfect Prospects and Get New Sales & Sign Ups Every Week! 

Plus Get Exclusive Access to a Private Community of Other Driven Network Marketers Just Like You... Who Support You and Are Cheering for You to Succeed!
YES! I'm Ready to Rank Up & Build a Team

Pay As You Go With Our 'Cancel
Any Time' Monthly Payment Plan

... Or, go all-in as a Freedom Seeker
with our annual plan and save $47 instantly

Are you frustrated with trying to grow your business online? Let Us Help You With That!

We’ll be the first to admit… building your business online can be tough.

And it doesn’t help that often, you feel like you’re going it alone.

With so many “guru” strategies out there, and a new Facebook ad with the latest and greatest “secret” formula popping up in your newsfeed every day… you might be wondering,

“How do I cut through all the confusion and overwhelm and find the simple strategies to help me build my business online that actually work?” 

We've Been Exactly Where You Are.

It was frustrating, and even a little embarassing.

We’d done EVERYTHING our upline told us to do, to no avail. It just wasn’t working.

That’s when we found a mentor. Someone who’d built a multiple-6-figure business and was willing to show us the simple steps they followed to get there.

We were skeptical, but we knew we had a decision to make: Either we could continue to try to build our business using the broken strategies from every “guru” we found out there… or we could put on our blinders and follow the step-by-step system our mentor laid out for us.

Fast forward a bit, there we were… on stage at our company convention, accepting the award for the fastest growing team in our company… for the fifth year in a row!

We took everything we learned and put it together on an exclusive online training platform available only to the members of our personal team.

For years, that’s the only way you could get access to it! But then we started thinking… How many other network marketers could we help who are struggling to cut through the confusion and overwhelm and build their business online, just like we were?

And that’s how Freedom Seeker University was born.

Now, for the first time ever, we’ve taken our award-winning team training platform, stuck a white label on it and made it available for anyone around the globe to use to build a huge team online without confusion and overwhelm.

If that sounds cool to you, then you’re in the right place!

Why Kathy & Jordan?

"Kathy and Jordan are an amazing team. I’ve had the pleasure to work with them… they are always in the trenches, leading by example, providing the tools and the resources their organization needs. They are great leaders, great friends, and have helped a lot of people make a difference in their business."
- John Melton

"These ladies are absolutely incredible at building inside of network marketing and being on top of some of the most cutting edge strategies when it comes to prospecting, and making sales and sign ups on social media.
If you ever get a chance to plug into anything these ladies do, you will not be disappointed."
- Tanya Aliza

"I highly recommend working with the Freedom Boss Babes. Not only are they a fun dynamic duo but they will definitely help you make what you desire into a reality.  Jordan and Kathy know have years of successful experience in Network Marketing, as well as, building their own training company. I would 100% jump into whatever their doing!" 
- Julie Burke

"Every time I work with or around the Boss Babes I become more impressed with how talented they are. Not only are they amazing marketers but they’ve got huge hearts. If you’re looking to grow your business online with simple and effective strategies taught in a way that’s easy to implement and produces fast results, I couldn’t recommend them enough."
- Justice Eagan

As a Freedom Seeker You Will Discover How To:

  • Recruit New Business Partners Every Week on Social Media
  • Build a Thriving Customer Base of People Who Love to Reorder Every Month
  • Look Like a Professional on Social Media (Not a Spammy Susan!)
  • Launch Your Business FAST On Online... Even If You've Never Had Results Before
  • Create Duplication on your team so everyone is winning and growing.
  • Discover the Time Management Tips of Top Earners to get more done and avoid burn out.
  • Find an unlimited supply of highly interested leads on social media for free.
  • Turn Your Social Media Followers into Raving Fans Who Love to Buy and Do Business With You
  • Automate Your Recruiting Process So You Can Work Your Business in Just an Hour a Day
  • Use Attraction Marketing Strategies So You Never Have to Prospect Again!
  • Build a Huge Team Without Bugging Friends & Family
  • Rank Up to the Top of Your Company and Cross the Stage

And that's really just the beginning!

Yes! I'm Ready to Have a Proven Online System So I Can Rank Up and Build My Team!

Inside Freedom Seeker University You'll Get:

A Complete A-Z Blueprint Designed to Help You Leverage Social Media So You Can Go From Stuck to Superstar!

As a Freedom Seeker you will get access to our complete A-Z system for building a global business on social media -- along with step by step coaching from Kathy & Jordan to help you implement along the way!

This is the same step by step system we've used to personally enroll 8 new business partners in a single day.

The exact system that helped our team go from brand new to top rank in under 2 years! 

A Community of People Cheering For You To Succeed.

Freedom Seeker University is a community of driven home business owners with one common goal: to create a lifestyle of FREEDOM through their network marketing business!

Working from home can be a lonely road, but not anymore. As a member of Freedom University you’ll have access to our exclusive Freedom U Community where you can network, collaborate, encourage and inspire while surrounding yourself with others who are traveling the same path.

If you’ve ever wondered, “Am I the ONLY person on planet earth who’s this fired up about building my business?” Never fear… you have found your tribe!

Daily Coaching From 2 Multiple-Six-Figure Earners.

Freedom Seeker University isn’t just another “one-size-fits-all” training course. It’s a personalized coaching program where you’ll get custom advice from 6-figure earners with a proven track record.

With our exclusive Freedom Seeker U Community and our Weekly Live Video Office Hours where you can literally ask us anything, you can rest easy knowing you’ve come to the right place to get your burning business-building questions answered.

We are SO excited to get to know you, help you discover your BIGGEST business dreams, and (best of all) help you create a simple and proven system so you can take action and help your team do the same!

What Are You Waiting For?

We've got the formula... all you have to do is follow our lead.

Is Freedom Seeker University for You?

"Best decision I've made for my business was start working with these ladies... They bring so much value to what they offer.. really, I'm very thankful I found them!!"
- Christi Nicolet

"Jordan and Kathy are some of the best trainers on network marketing, how it works, and why. Freedom U has an unbelievable amount of training, videos, downloads, and value. It's so perfectly laid out and organized. I'm blown away every time I go through it."
- Kari Baxter

Freedom Seeker University is a proven training platform for network marketers who want to recruit new team members every week online and build a thriving team that duplicates!

The Curriculum:

The Coaching & Support:


Additional $1,004 Value

What Would It Be Worth To You And Your Family If...

  • You could build your business in just an hour a week, confident that your actions are producing results?
  • You had a proven system for finding & connecting with your perfect prospects so you never had to reach out to another friend or family member about your business ever again?
  • Your skeptical friends & family members actually started coming to you, asking how they could buy or learn more about your team?
  • You could earn monthly comma checks that continue to grow month after month?
  • You could automate parts of your prospecting & follow process so you don't have to do parties or meetings or be a slave to your phone?
  • You were consistently enrolling new business builders & customers every week?
  • You could feel confident growing a team because you have a proven system in place to help them succeed?
  • You could work your business from anywhere, with just a wifi connection, and feel good doing it?

This Is What We Are Offering You...
Let's Do It Together!

Yes! I'm Ready to Be a Freedom Seeker!

Wow! What an Amazing Promotion, Right?

But... This Promotion Ends on Monday at 11:45pm EST when the doors to Freedom Seeker University close and all these bonuses go away!

Kathy Schneider and Jordan Maylea are a mother-daughter team with a combined experience of over 32 years in the network marketing industry. They are top recruiters who have built teams that exceed over $1,000,000 in sales volume, while being known for creating a dynamic team culture and a duplicatable business that lasts by teaching simple online strategies that work! 


"Everything we teach is proven to work. We can say this with confidence because everything you see inside Freedom Seeker University is the exact same strategies we've used in our personal team for years. We'll never teach you anything we haven't tried and tested ourselves. We pride ourselves on teaching you only what's working now, and what's working BEST for us and our team."

Can't wait to see you inside! 

Kathy and Jordan

Our Personal Guarantee

60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee 

We're so confident that you will LOVE Freedom University that if AFTER you go through the Entire Program & Implement the Steps, you don't feel you got the value you paid for, please email us within 60 days of your purchase and we will gladly refund 100% of your money.

Meet Some of Our Freedom Seekers!

"Thank you for helping me have hope again that I can do this. I was very discouraged and now have the tools to move forward confidently!"
- Angi Miko

"I am learning so much! I went from not really knowing what to do from day to day in my business to taking every available minute to work on everything I'm learning!"
- Sheree Bagensie

"WOW this month's Freedom U masterclass was PERFECT!! It was everything I needed to move forward and feel confident! Thank you so much Jordan and Kathy for taking the time to teach us and all of our downloads!" 
- Christina Tammy

"Thank you sooo much Kathy and Jordan for your guidance, time, support, and for helping me find that inner ninja who's been in hiding, sad and depressed,
for too long now!"
- Sharon Licht

"Since implementing many of the systems I've learned from Kathy and Jordan I have rank advanced twice and am now two ranks away from the top of my company!! And it looks like I'm going to hit the next one this month! I had been stuck at my previous rank for 5 months, and now in just 3 months of working with Kathy and Jordan I blew through the next two!!"
- Melynda Fitt

I enrolled 2 brand new people, taught them the social media strategies I’d learned and they both reached their promotion 12 hours before the deadline, qualifying me for the free trip!
- Caroline Bircow

"This past weekend in Orlando my new company recognized me on stage!!! I was so surprised you guys! Less than 100 days in the company, and here I was ON STAGE being congratulated by top leaders and corporate. OMG!” - Catherine Thiveos

"I invested in amazing mentors, found my "Entrepreneurial BFF's" who are on this amazing journey with me, and even made it to the top 50 out of 1000 consultants on our team 🙌." 
- Jennifer Serfer

This is a very limited time offer.

After Monday at 11:45pm PST, the doors to Freedom Seeker University will close and we will no longer be accepting new members.

Pay As You Go With Our 'Cancel
Any Time' Monthly Payment Plan

... Or, go all-in as a Freedom Seeker
with our annual plan and save $47 instantly


Please Contact Us at

Got Questions? We Have Answers!

YES! Freedom Seeker University was created to help the brand new person build a huge team online! This is the exact same training we give our new team members, and last year we celebrated over 110 rank advancements on our team! You can totally do this!

If you've been struggling to grow your business online, there is one VERY important thing you need to know: It is NOT your fault! Up until now you've been trying to win in a broken system. There is a formula to growing a team online... which is good news! Because that means anyone can have success if they simply learn the formula and apply it! Freedom Seeker University is that formula!

Freedom Seeker University is designed to help you create and take action on your new online system in 90 days or less! Our goal is to help you create and take action on each step as you go to help you get the best results.

The only difference in the annual membership and the monthly plan is the savings. When you become an annual member today you instantly save $47, and you're grandfathered in at that price for as long as you wish to remain inside the program.

Freedom Seeker University was designed to be an ongoing coaching program backed by our proven curriculum to make sure you feel fully supported in growing your business for as long as you need it! Some members come in and stay just a month or two, while we've been coaching & supporting others in their business for years! The choice is totally up to you, and you can cancel at any time!

No! With our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee there is literally no risk to jumping into FSU with both feet! If you work the program and don't get results, we give you your money back. Period.

Because we like to spend our time focusing on coaching our current students, we only open FSU for enrollment a few times a year! If you want in, now is the best time!

Ready to Become a Freedom Seeker So You Can Rank Up and Build a Team Online?

Choose Your Plan Today and Let's Get Started Together!

Pay As You Go With Our 'Cancel
Any Time' Monthly Payment Plan

... Or, go all-in as a Freedom Seeker
with our annual plan and save $47 instantly


50% Complete

Two Step

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